Website Makeover

Time for a website rebuild / revamp?

Has it been a few years since your website got any attention? You are to busy with day to day duties of your company.  Has your organization grown or changed its mission? When last have you sat down and inspect you web content and documents to see if all are still on track? It should be done at least once a year…

Why do I need to revamp my website every 3 to 5 years?

Leads and sales have decreased.

Multiple factors could be contributing to a decrease in leads and sales, but the most likely culprit is trust. Without a sufficient trust factor, visitors often don’t take the next step (i.e. making a purchase, requesting an appointment, using your services, downloading reports, etc.).
Your website visitors need to feel they’re in the right place and you can actually help them solve their problem.
They also need to feel doing business with you will be a safe/pleasant experience.

Here are 3 of the most common things causing visitors to not trust a website:

  • Outdated design. Does your site look like you haven’t touched it in 5-10 years? Just like cars, clothes and cell phones, your website needs to keep pace with the times so you don’t look out of touch. First impressions matter.
  • Outdated content. Maybe the information on your site is obsolete or no longer relevant. Perhaps you’re not answering your visitors’ most burning questions. Or maybe you are answering their questions, but not to their satisfaction.
  • Poor user experience. Is it painful to use your site? Is it difficult for visitors to find what they’re looking for? Does something just not feel right? If your site activates your prospects’ they’ll retreat and go elsewhere.

Don’t be a victim of the above, allow GSD to investigate your website and provide expert advice on getting your website back on track.

A website makeover can lead to a number of positive outcomes, including:

  • Improved Design & Brand Identity
  • Improved Information Architecture and Usability
  • Increased Visitor Conversions (e.g. Inquiries, Sales, Donations, Registrations, etc.)
  • Enhanced Content Management Capabilities
  • New Features or Functionality
  • Improved Search Engine Performance and Online Visibility
  • Integration of Social Media and Other Outreach Tools